Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The first full week of school for the girls... already Mimi is stressing herself out :) Piglet meet Eyeore... Eyeore meet Piglet... Their love child would be a worrying pessimist... Something I have seen in myself lately in fact... So we will work on it together... Advanced math... look out... Mimi's gonna kick your ass!

Watched Michele Obama last night... thought she did a nice job... Teddy K. looked great!!!
Really interested to see how genuine Hillary comes across tonight... and Bill... well... let's see if he can keep his foot out of his mouth tomorrow...

Had a hawk in my lilac bush yesterday morning... was so engrossed watching it... I never got a picture... neat to see... along with the humming bird that came to my back door a couple weeks ago... on some levels can't wait for the leaves to drop so I can see the cardinals again...

Went to Church again this weekend... and felt instantly welcome once more... the girls really want to get involved as well... they offer so much for all of us... so many ways to be part of the community there. I am joining a class there next month... the book we will be discussing is called Boundaries with Teens. Am also thinking that the class they offer called Good Sense (a guide to spiritual financing) would be a really good thing for me. Never been my strong suit. Never. Never. EVER... time to fix that too...

I don't know why I feel so excited about getting involved with this church. I think that for many years I have been searching to fill a void that could not be filled by any one person or even a group of people... It just feels that this is the time for this journey.


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